In November of 2019, ONVIF hosted its 21st Developers’ Plugfest in Rome. This event highlights the continued demand for interoperable solutions. More than 30 developers and engineers from 18 ONVIF member companies gathered for this multi-day event, which featured 164 hours of testing. A highlight of the Developers’ Plugfest is the attendees’ ability to test their implementations of ONVIF profiles, along with other profile-conformant products. Additionally, developers were able to test products independently for profile conformance, as well as assess interoperability between their devices and those from other manufacturers.

Per Björkdahl, chair of the ONVIF Steering Committee, said the collaboration and exchange of ideas necessary for interoperability doesn’t happen in a vacuum and these events provide valuable face-to-face time for members.
While at this event, the profiles tested included Profile S for basic video streaming, Profile T for advanced video streaming, Profile G for edge storage and retrieval and Profile Q for quick installation. Additionally, developers were able to perform testing of the Media2 service methods for media configuration and streaming and conformance testing for discovery.

ONVIF Developers’ Plugfests are held twice a year around the world, allowing the global membership of ONVIF to gather and test their implementations. The June 2019 Plugfest in Tokyo saw 22 member companies participate – logging nearly 250 hours of testing.
The next ONVIF Developers’ Plugfest is scheduled for May 13 – 15, 2020. The location will be announced at a later date.
ONVIF is a global and open industry forum committed to standardizing communication between IP-based physical security products to ensure their interoperability and facilitate their integration. Stay updated on future ONVIF events here.