With Kunal Shukla, Chief Technology Officer, Digital Barriers What does your company do? What services, or products, do you provide? Digital Barriers is a leading provider of IoT video technologies; its patented AI video compression reduces the bandwidth required for live video and edge analytics by up to 90%, delivering industry-leading, dependable, and affordable real-time…
The role of the systems integrator in the successful design and installation of security systems can certainly be described as complex. Integrators are responsible for assembling an intricate network of security devices and software that need to communicate seamlessly with each other, all within the confines of the customer’s technology requirements and budget. The reality…
With Josua Braun, Marketing Director, Dallmeier What does your company do? What services, or products, do you provide? Dallmeier develops and manufactures cameras, recording and video management software. Dallmeier cameras can be used and deployed with Dallmeier software or – for customers with a dedicated “video management system of choice” – can be integrated with numerous…
Interoperability has long been an important focus of the security industry. End users, integrators, and manufacturers alike recognize the value of security technology that can talk with products from different vendors. They also recognize the importance of security technology that can effectively use different feature sets from these technology sources. Until the introduction of profiles…