How can integrators educate themselves, as technology becomes more complex?

Technology has advanced at warp speed the past few years, with new competencies in AI, video analytics, and a growing array of different sensors that can be tied into security systems. One such advancement is that information has been moving solely to the cloud, making the challenge of ensuring cybersecurity of paramount importance. This means…

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How can the security/tech industry attract and retain a younger, qualified workforce?

The security technology industry has been discussing for some time now how they can attract and retain a younger, more diverse and qualified workforce. With new processes, such as the ability to work remotely and the massive growth seen in the technology industry, a few ONVIF members offered their insights on how the industry can…

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The Importance of Sustainability in Security

Today, in celebration of Earth Day, we asked our members about the importance of sustainability in the security industry, and some of the ways they work to promote sustainable practices. As technological advances continue to be made, the importance of building long-lasting systems with a focus on green products, lower emissions and efficient energy usage…

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What is the importance of investing in a global workforce?

Each month we examine an industry trend by asking a few of our members for their perspectives, whether about technology, people, or other current events that impact our industry and our world. For March, we wanted to highlight how different perspectives from around the globe help ONVIF members to grow their organizations and the interoperability…

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Predictions for the next 20k conformant products

Since our founding in 2008, ONVIF has seen thousands of products achieve conformance and, as you can imagine, the technological advancements of these products continue to grow. As we steadily gain steam towards reaching our 20k conformant product milestone, we asked a few of our members what they’d like to see added in the mix…

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